GitHub flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects where deployments are made regularly. This guide explains how and why GitHub flow works.

In this module, you will: Use GitHub Script in your workflow; Comment on issues using octokit; Add issues to a project board using octokit; Use the workflow expression syntax to filter when jobs run in a workflow Jan 16, 2014 · Github Tutorial For Beginners - learn Github for Mac or Github for windows If you've been wanting to learn Github, now's the perfect time! Github is seen as a big requirement by most employers GitHub's answer: Enhance the website for core activities. A lawyer who wants to change one word in a legal document needn't use the scary Git client; she can edit the file in the browser. GitHub Pages are public webpages hosted and easily published through GitHub. The quickest way to get up and running is by using the Jekyll Theme Chooser to load a pre-made theme. You can then modify your GitHub Pages’ content and style remotely via the web or locally on your computer. Nov 12, 2013 · GitHub for Windows or GitHub for Mac. Follow the installation directions. Create a few files and use the GUI to commit and push your files (see screenshot below) – it couldn’t be easier! One advantage that I find to using RStudio is that everything is integrated, so it really takes no time at all to commit my R code and push it on to GitHub.

Who’s using GitHub? | GitHub and Government

GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub - Beginner to 2020-7-20 · Using GitHub to initiate pull requests in order to merge in branches from within the GitHub interface. Comparing and Pull Requests 05:23 Using out local copy of the GitHub repository to merge before pushing up the merge to GitHub. Merging Locally 05:26

Using Google Colab with GitHub ↳ 7 cells hidden Google Colaboratory is designed to integrate cleanly with GitHub, allowing both loading notebooks from github and saving notebooks to github.

A guide to using Github Pages Are you learning to code and need an easy, free way to host your projects? GitHub pages is your answer. Not only is it an easy hosting solution for websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, but it also gives you practice using Git, an important but tricky tool. This step-by-step guide gets you up to speed in