DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Cant get Wireless Access

DD-WRT is a Linux-based firmware project developed to enhance the performance and features of wireless Internet routers. This open-source firmware upgrade is developed for specific router models and used as a replacement for the inconsistent stock firmware. Modifying a router to DD-WRT lifts DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Cant get Wireless Access Apr 28, 2015 DD-WRT How to set-up an Access Point (AP) - YouTube Jan 27, 2014 DD-WRT as an access point - The Silicon Underground

WRT54GS2v1 as a wireless access point - dd-wrt.com

DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Cant get Wireless Access

Reuse an old router to bridge devices to your wireless

Basic Definitions. WDS – Wireless Distribution System connects one or more routers to a main router to wirelessly share internet, allows roaming between routers . Subnet – the octets of an IP address selected by the subnet mask (e.g., thus for 192.168.X.Y the subnet low octet is X) . Host router – the main router connected to the internet, to share with clients Difference Between Client Bridge/Wireless Repeater Modes