Use Native/Local information processing to Post Live Ads on Craigslist, Always! Craigslist flaggers …

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me I have a competitor flagging my ads to the point where it’s affecting my business. I made a new account and posted a very simple ad with only a few words that would be impossible to find yet he found it anyway then I used a period for the title and a period for the ad and he still found it and flagged me! craigslist flagging software ? | Warrior Forum - The #1 This thread explains a lot to me now. I've posted ads on Craigslist to offer services and to sell items and I've gotten flagged for absolutely no reason. I knew there had to be competitors flagging me, but I didn't know of the existence of a flagging software. How do you stop somebody who keeps flagging and removing Aug 16, 2011 Craigslist - FLAGGING HARRASSMENT /GOING TO LOSE MY JOB Product or Service Mentioned: Craigslist Marketplace. Reason of review: Poor customer service. Monetary Loss: $500000. Preferred solution: Stop the false faggers. Track flaggers, Stop making it so easy for people to flag, Get a system to prevent flagging software from autoflagging .

You can make this process visible if you choose, and preview the ads as they are being visited and marked as spam. *Note, flagging an ad does not make it disappear. Flagging an ad from multiple locations within a 50 mile radius of where it was posted from does. Please do not abuse this feature, or we will remove it.

Nov 26, 2010 Craigslist flagging is going to give me a nervous breakdown Sep 05, 2014 How to get over flagging in Craigslist | Warrior Forum

How to STOP Graigslist Flaggers Fast and EASY

Hire Professional Craigslist Flagging Service. Remove Spam Apr 28, 2019